Saturday, July 27, 2013

Week 21: And For My First Born Son (June 1)

The set up: 10 minutes
Doing the line art and background: about 3 hours.
Coloring everything in while surfing the internet and listening to music: about 6 hours
Grand total time worked: 10 hours plus change.
The fact that this actually happened: Priceless.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Week 20: Head in the Clouds (May 25)

My humanized Rainbow Dash!
 I was thinking about making a costume for her (both in the picture and for myself) but here I really felt like she didn't need it. Me on the other hand.... well, let's just say that I have some sketches that may be going up here soon.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Week 19: Bookstore Yoga (May 11)

click to expand:
We have many positions open.

More bookstore humor. :-P Photoshop and I have been doing a lot better- I hope that much is apparent.  Still working on catching up but I already have 2 more comics in the mix and my weekend now before me.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Week 18: Shadowy Music Man (May 18)

click to enlarge

First person who can name this "shadowy music man" will receive a free print!
If no one gets it in 2 weeks, no prints. :-(
Yes, guesses are unlimited. :-) GO!

Week 17: Should be a National Holiday (May 4)

Photoshop and I are finally getting along.  This is something I had been meaning to get done and put up way back when, but never got around to. Plus, I got to dress up as wonder woman to go to work that Saturday- how many people get to say that?! :-D